4 Types of BPD Test: Quiet BPD Test

Individuals experience Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) in diverse ways. While there are established symptoms used for the formal diagnosis of BPD, certain individuals with BPD tend to exhibit a specific subset of symptoms more prominently than others.

This variability can be attributed to distinct biological predispositions and temperaments among people. We will discuss here 4 Types of BPD Test.

Consequently, researchers have categorized BPD into various types based on clusters of co-occurring symptoms. The most widely accepted classification identifies the following BPD types:

  1. Impulsive BPD
  2. Discouraged/Quiet/High-functioning BPD
  3. Self-destructive BPD
  4. Petulant BPD

Although there is considerable symptom overlap among these types, the classification retains its significance due to the presence of unique symptoms within each type. Individuals seeking insights into their emotional well-being can take the BPD test online to gain a better understanding of their potential Borderline Personality Disorder tendencies

It’s plausible that you may exhibit traits from multiple BPD types, but usually, one or two types tend to be more dominant in an individual.

Given the extensive symptom overlap, the test is comprehensive. If you’re patient and comfortable with some repetition in the questions, you will ultimately receive scores for each of the four BPD types. These scores will help you identify your most dominant BPD type, corresponding to the highest score achieved.

It’s essential to recognize that this test does not provide a diagnostic outcome, and your results are not stored within our database.

READ MORE: What Differentiates People with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from Those Who don’t have OCD?

  1. Emotional Intensity: How intense are your emotions, particularly when dealing with people close to you?

    a) I rarely experience intense emotions.
    b) My emotions are moderately intense
    c) My emotions can be extremely intense
    d) I have no emotions towards others
  2. Fear of Abandonment: How often do you worry about being abandoned or left behind by people you care about?

    a) Never
    b) Occasionally
    c) Frequently
    d) Always
  3. Impulsive Behavior: How frequently do you engage in impulsive actions like overspending, risky sex, or substance abuse?

    a) Rarely or never
    b) Sometimes
    c) Often
    d) Always
  4. Self-Image Instability: How consistent is your self-image and self-perception over time?
    a) Very stable
    b) Somewhat stable
    c) Frequently changing
    d) Highly unstable
  5. Unstable Relationships: How would you describe the stability of your interpersonal relationships?
    a) Highly stable
    b) Mostly stable
    c) Sometimes unstable
    d) Very unstable
  6. Anger Management: How well do you control your anger, especially during conflicts?

    a) I manage it effectively.
    b) I struggle to control it.
    c) It varies depending on the situation.
    d) I rarely experience anger.
  7. Self-Destructive Behavior: Have you engaged in behaviors that harm yourself physically or emotionally?

    a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often
  8. Sudden Changes in Beliefs: How often do your beliefs or values dramatically shift due to external influences?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  9. Paranoia and Suspicion: How often do you experience suspicious thoughts or feelings that others are against you?

    a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  10. Mood Swings: How quickly does your mood change between extreme happiness, sadness, and anger?

    a) It’s stable most of the time. b) It changes slowly. c) It shifts rapidly. d) My mood hardly ever changes.
  11. Idealization and Devaluation: How often do you idealize someone initially but then devalue them over time?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  12. Fear of Rejection: How much does the fear of rejection affect your decisions and behaviors?

    a) Not at all b) Slightly c) Significantly d) Overwhelmingly

READ MORE: Understanding BPD Diagnostic Criteria Test and Borderline Personality Disorder!

  1. Emotional Vulnerability: How comfortable are you with expressing your emotions to others?

    a) Very comfortable b) Somewhat comfortable c) Reluctant d) Extremely uncomfortable
  2. Impaired Impulse Control: How well do you manage your impulses, especially during stressful situations?

    a) I have excellent impulse control. b) I sometimes struggle to control impulses. c) My impulse control is inconsistent. d) I rarely experience impulsive behaviors.
  3. Relationship Instability: How consistent is your emotional connection with people over time?

    a) Extremely consistent b) Mostly consistent c) Often unpredictable d) Highly inconsistent
  4. Identity Disturbance: How often do you question your own identity or struggle to define yourself?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  5. Difficulty with Boundaries: How well do you establish and maintain healthy emotional boundaries with others?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Struggle at times d) Poorly
  6. Splitting: How often do you perceive people or situations as either all good or all bad?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  7. Intense Reactions to Situations: How often do you react to situations with intense emotions that may seem disproportionate?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  8. Chronic Feelings of Emptiness: How often do you experience an ongoing sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  9. Unpredictable Views of Others: How frequently do your perceptions of others change unexpectedly and drastically?

    a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  10. Struggle with Self-Worth: How often do you doubt your own self-worth and feel inadequate?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  11. Avoidance of Real or Imagined Abandonment: How often do you go to great lengths to avoid abandonment, even if it’s not real?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  12. Impaired Interpersonal Skills: How effectively do you communicate and connect with others in relationships?

    a) Very effectively b) Moderately effectively c) Inconsistently d) Ineffectively
  13. Relationship Idealization: How often do you idealize romantic partners, only to later become disillusioned?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  14. Unstable Goals and Ambitions: How often do your life goals and ambitions change dramatically?

    a) Never b) Occasionally c) Frequently d) Always
  15. Black-and-White Thinking: How frequently do you see situations in extreme terms of either good or bad?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  16. Suicidal Behaviors: Have you ever engaged in self-harming or suicidal behaviors?

    a) Never b) Once or twice c) Multiple times d) Frequently
  17. Self-Criticism: How often do you criticize and judge yourself harshly, even when others don’t see it that way?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Always
  18. Influence of Others: How easily are you influenced by others’ opinions, even if they conflict with your own?

    a) Not easily influenced b) Somewhat influenced c) Highly influenced d) I’m not sure
  19. Intense Fear of Abandonment: How strongly do you fear being left or abandoned by others?

    a) Not at all b) Mildly c) Moderately d) Extremely
  20. Self-Harming Behavior: Have you engaged in self-harming behaviors such as cutting or burning yourself?

    a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes d) Often
  21. Impulsive Spending: How frequently do you engage in impulsive spending or financial decisions?

    a) Almost never b) Occasionally c) Quite often d) Very frequently
  22. Unstable Self-Identity: How consistent is your sense of self and identity?

    a) Very consistent b) Fairly consistent c) Sometimes inconsistent d) Highly inconsistent
  23. Chronic Feelings of Emptiness: How often do you experience a persistent feeling of emptiness?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  24. Idealization and Devaluation in Relationships: How often do you idealize someone initially, then later devalue them?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  25. Difficulty Managing Anger: How well do you control your anger, especially in stressful situations?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Struggle at times d) Poorly
  26. Frequent Mood Shifts: How often do you experience rapid mood shifts, going from one extreme to another?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  27. Unstable Relationships: How would you describe the stability of your close relationships?

    a) Very stable b) Moderately stable c) Sometimes unstable d) Highly unstable

    READ MORE: BPD Favorite Person vs Crush: Navigating Emotions:
  28. Paranoia and Suspicion: How often do you feel suspicious of others’ intentions or believe others are against you?

    a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  29. Fear of Rejection: How much does the fear of rejection affect your decisions and behavior?

    a) Not at all b) Slightly c) Significantly d) Overwhelmingly
  30. Impaired Impulse Control: How well do you manage impulsive urges, especially during challenging moments?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Struggle at times d) Poorly
  31. Identity Disturbance: How often do you question your identity or struggle to define who you are?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  32. Black-and-White Thinking: How frequently do you view situations or people as either all good or all bad?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  33. Difficulty Establishing Boundaries: How skilled are you at maintaining healthy emotional boundaries with others?

    a) Very skilled b) Moderately skilled c) Struggle at times d) Not skilled
  34. Unpredictable Views of Others: How often do your perceptions of others suddenly and unexpectedly change?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  35. Fear of Abandonment Reactions: How often do you engage in frantic behaviors to prevent abandonment?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  36. Intense and Unstable Emotions: How frequently do your emotions intensify and shift rapidly?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  37. Risky Behavior in Relationships: How often do you engage in risky behaviors within your relationships?a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  38. Impaired Impulse Control: How well do you manage your impulses, especially during challenging situations?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Struggle at times d) Poorly
  39. Unstable Interpersonal Relationships: How frequently do your relationships fluctuate between close and distant?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  40. Unstable Self-Image: How consistent is your self-perception over time?

    a) Very consistent b) Moderately consistent c) Sometimes inconsistent d) Highly inconsistent
  41. Emotional Overreactions: How often do you react strongly and emotionally to situations that others may not?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  42. Shifts in Goals and Values: How frequently do your life goals and values change suddenly?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  43. Fear of Abandonment: How often do you worry about being abandoned by those close to you?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  44. Unstable Relationship Patterns: How consistently do you experience ups and downs in your relationships?

    a) Very consistently b) Moderately consistently c) Inconsistently d) Highly inconsistently
  45. Identity Confusion: How often do you struggle to understand who you are or what you want?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  46. Emotional Lability: How quickly do your emotions change from one extreme to another?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  47. Splitting: How often do you view things or people as either completely good or completely bad?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often
  48. Sense of Unreality: How often do you experience episodes of feeling like you, others, or the world around you is unreal?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  49. Excessive Anger: How intense is your anger, and how easily do you lose your temper?

    a) Not intense b) Mildly intense c) Moderately intense d) Extremely intense
  50. Self-Destructive Behavior: How frequently do you engage in self-destructive behaviors like substance abuse or reckless driving?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  51. Fear of Abandonment Reactions: How often do you react impulsively or dramatically to perceived abandonment?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  52. Emotional Swings: How quickly do you move from one emotional extreme to another?

    a) Very slowly b) Moderately fast c) Rapidly d) Extremely rapidly
  53. Unstable Self-Perception: How consistently do you have a clear sense of who you are?

    a) Very consistently b) Moderately consistently c) Sometimes consistently d) Rarely or never consistently
  54. Impulsivity and Risk-Taking: How frequently do you engage in impulsive behaviors with potential negative consequences?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  55. Relationship Instability: How stable are your relationships, especially during times of stress?

    a) Very stable b) Moderately stable c) Somewhat unstable d) Highly unstable
  56. Difficulty Handling Emotions: How well do you manage your intense emotions?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Sometimes struggle d) Poorly
  57. Fear of Being Alone: How strong is your fear of being alone or abandoned by others?

    a) Not strong b) Mildly strong c) Moderately strong d) Extremely strong
  58. Mood Instability: How frequently do your moods shift from happiness to sadness or anger?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  59. Emotionally Unstable Identity: How consistent is your self-identity over time?

    a) Very consistent b) Moderately consistent c) Sometimes inconsistent d) Highly inconsistent
  60. Pattern of Idealization and Disappointment: How often do you view others as perfect initially, only to later become disappointed in them?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  61. Impaired Impulse Control: How well do you control your impulsive urges, especially when upset?a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Sometimes struggle d) Poorly
  62. Intense Reactions to Stress: How strongly do you react to stress, often with feelings of despair or panic?a) Not strongly b) Mildly strongly c) Moderately strongly d) Extremely strongly
  63. Unstable Self-Concept: How consistent is your self-perception over time?

    a) Very consistent b) Moderately consistent c) Sometimes inconsistent d) Highly inconsistent
  64. Relationship Intensity: How intensely do you experience romantic relationships?a) Not intensely b) Mildly intensely c) Moderately intensely d) Extremely intensely
  65. Impulsive Behaviors: How frequently do you engage in impulsive actions, even if they’re harmful?

    a) Rarely or never b) Sometimes c) Often d) Almost always
  66. Emotional Rollercoaster: How consistently stable are your emotions from day to day?

    a) Very stable b) Moderately stable c) Sometimes unstable d) Highly unstable
  67. Chronic Feelings of Loneliness: How often do you feel persistently lonely, even when around others?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  68. Impaired Problem Solving: How well do you handle problems and make decisions when under emotional stress?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Sometimes struggle d) Poorly
  69. Idealization and Devaluation in Relationships: How often do you alternate between idealizing and devaluing people in your life?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  70. Unpredictable Reactions: How consistently can others predict how you will react emotionally?

    a) Very consistently b) Moderately consistently c) Somewhat inconsistently d) Highly inconsistently
  71. Intense Fear of Abandonment: How strong is your fear of being left by those you care about?

    a) Not strong b) Mildly strong c) Moderately strong d) Extremely strong
  72. Identity Confusion: How often do you experience confusion about who you are or what you want in life?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  73. Unstable Relationships: How consistent is the stability of your close relationships?

    a) Very consistent b) Moderately consistent c) Sometimes inconsistent d) Highly inconsistent
  74. Frequent Changes in Goals: How frequently do you change your life goals or direction?

    a) Rarely or never b) Occasionally c) Often d) Almost always
  75. Emotionally Overwhelming Situations: How well do you manage your emotions during intense or overwhelming situations?

    a) Very well b) Moderately well c) Sometimes struggle d) Poorly
  76. Difficulty Coping with Stress: How effectively do you handle stress and anxiety?

    a) Very effectively b) Moderately effectively c) Sometimes struggle d) Ineffectively
  77. Intense Relationships and Fluctuating Perceptions: Question: How do your relationships with people important to you often change?

    a) They remain consistent and stable. b) They alternate between idealizing and undervaluing. c) They rarely experience any fluctuations. d) They tend to be distant and unchanging.
  78. Rapid Emotional Changes: Question: How frequently do you experience rapid shifts in your emotions, such as intense sadness, irritability, and anxiety or panic attacks?

    a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never
  79. Difficulty Managing Anger: Question: How well can you control your anger, especially when it’s intense and overwhelming?

    a) I can always manage it effectively. b) I usually have difficulty controlling it. c) It varies depending on the situation. d) I rarely experience anger or have trouble controlling it.
  80. Self-Damaging Behavior: Question: Have you engaged in recurring acts of self-harm, such as cutting or burning, when upset?

    a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never
  81. Unstable Self-Image: Question: How consistent is your self-perception or image of who you are?

    a) It’s very stable and unchanging. b) It’s constantly shifting and unstable. c) It changes occasionally. d) I rarely question my self-perception.
  82. Paranoia and Unreal Feelings: Question: Have you experienced suspicious thoughts or feelings of unreality under stress?

    a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never
  83. Impulsive Behavior: Question: How frequently do you engage in self-damaging acts like excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse, or binge eating?

    a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never
  84. Fear of Abandonment: Question: How much do you worry about being abandoned by those close to you?a) I’m constantly afraid of abandonment. b) I sometimes worry about it. c) It rarely crosses my mind. d) I never fear abandonment.
  85. Feelings of Emptiness: Question: How often do you experience feelings of emptiness and boredom?

    a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never
  86. Risky Behavior Under Stress: Question: Have you engaged in risky behaviors like reckless driving or unsafe sex during stressful times?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never

99. Paranoia and Dissociation: Question: Do you occasionally feel paranoid or dissociate when stressed, especially in situations involving abandonment?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never

100. Idealization and Disappointment: Question: How do you usually approach relationships and sharing personal details?

a) I’m cautious and reserved about sharing personal information. b) I tend to idealize others and share intimate details initially. c) It depends on the person and situation. d) I rarely open up to others about personal matters.

101. Difficulty Managing Anger: Question: How well do you control intense anger, sarcasm, and bitterness?

a) I always manage it effectively. b) I often have difficulty controlling it. c) It varies depending on the situation. d) I rarely experience anger or have trouble controlling it.

102. Self-Harming and Suicidal Behavior: Question: Have you engaged in self-mutilation, self-harm, or threatened suicide?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never

103. Shifting Goals and Values: Question: How often do you change your goals, values, and career focus?

a) I frequently shift my goals and values. b) I sometimes reassess my goals and values. c) It’s rare for me to change my goals and values. d) I’m very consistent in my goals and values.

104. Fear of Abandonment: Question: How often do you worry about being abandoned by those close to you?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never

105. Rapid Mood Shifts: Question: How frequently does your mood change between anxiety, depression, and irritability?

a) Always b) Often c) Sometimes d) Rarely or never

106. Unpredictable Views of Others: Question: How consistently do you perceive others, especially loved ones?

a) I always have a steady and consistent perception. b) My perceptions can shift dramatically and unexpectedly. c) It depends on the person and situation. d) I rarely have shifting views of others.

107. Intense but Unstable Romantic Relationships: Question: How would you describe the nature of your romantic relationships?

a) They are intense and highly stable. b) They are intense yet often unstable. c) They are generally stable with few intense moments. d) They are neither intense nor unstable.

108. Impact on Daily Life: Question: How much is your current struggle with these challenges affecting your ability to work, study, socialize, and maintain relationships?

a) It’s significantly impacting various aspects of my life. b) It’s somewhat affecting my daily life. c) It has minor effects on my life. d) It’s not affecting my daily life at all.